
Gorskie evrei. Istoriya, etnografiya, kul'tura

In English

Mountain Jews. History, ethnography, culture

Author:Under the general editorship. I. Beguna

In Russian. Short description: Under the general editorship. I. Beguna. Mountain Jews. History, ethnography, culture. Jerusalem-Moscow, 1999. In Soviet times, mountain Jews who lived in Dagestan, Northern Azerbaijan and the regions of the North Caucasus, tried to declare tatami. But their traditions and customs of their ancestors were allowed to endure this test among others that fell to their lot. Scientists trace the origin of the Mountain Jews from the most ancient Jewish community of Persia (from which the Central Asian or Bukharian Jews also originate). In recent years, as a result of mass migration processes, communities of Mountain Jews have been springing up in regions far from their traditional residence: in Russia, the USA, Germany, and – the largest at present – the community of Mountain Jews in Israel. This book is a fairly complete and at the same time popular presentation of the history, culture and way of life of this peculiar Jewish community. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUMS002017