
Ayzensher I.Ya., pod red. M.V. Dobroklonskogo, Tekhnika oforta. Gravyura na metalle, 1939

In English

Technique of etching. Engraving on metal

Author:Aizensher I.Ya.

Aizensher I.Ya., edited by M.V. Dobroklonsky, Technique of Etching. Metal Engraving, Leningrad-Moscow, 1939. This publication is an educational manual for art educational institutions. It was prepared to acquaint artists-engravers, novice etchers, and readers interested in graphic arts with all modern types of metal engraving and printmaking techniques for prints. Isaak Yakovlevich Aizensher (1900-1952) was a Soviet artist and art historian, known for his series of engravings “Pogrom in Ukraine.” Mikhail Vasilyevich Dobroklonsky (1886-1964) was a Soviet art historian and a specialist in the history of Western European visual arts. He worked on issues of attribution and cataloging of drawings held in museums of the USSR and compiled scholarly descriptions of graphic works from the State Hermitage collection. He held a doctoral degree in art history and was a professor.