
Opyt izucheniya hlopkovodstva v Turkestane i Zakaspijskoj oblasti.

In English

Experience of studying cotton cultivation in Turkestan and the Transcaspian region

City:St. Petersburg, Kirschbaum printing house.

In Russian. Short description: Ponyatovsky, S.V. The Study of Cotton Cultivation in Turkestan and the Transcaspian Region: (With Illustrations, Diagrams, and Maps) / S. Ponyatovsky. – St. Petersburg: V.F. Kirshbaum Printing House, 1913. – VIII, 357 p., [12] diagr., VII ill. (tables), [2] maps: ill.; 24×17 cm. Map of the Fergana region. Map of cotton-growing regions in Turkestan on separate fold-out sheets. 12 diagrams showing cotton cultivation growth and distribution of cultivated areas by regions; 14 illustrations (tables) on seven separate sheets. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUMS000378