
Michael von Zichy. Liebe. Vierzig Zeichnungen.

In English

Mihaly Zichy. Love. Forty drawings.

Author:Mihaly Zichy

In German. Short description: Mihaly Zichy. Love. Forty drawings. Leipzig, private edition, 1911 [album of erotic engravings]. First edition, limited to 300 copies. #153. An extremely rare album of the famous court painter, containing explicitly erotic paintings. Mihaly Zichy made many drawings depicting various scenes of court life, imperial hunting, and caricatures of people close to the court. His album Love contains 40 sheets of illustrations with erotic scenes made in the technique of heliogravure with darkened sepia. The circulation consisted of only 300 numbered copies, intended exclusively for subscribers. After the release of the album, the copper plates from which the printing was made were destroyed. Among the drawings in the album there are both very tender, and rough, and even caricatured. This edition is highly valued today. It is practically not found in good condition and in its entirety. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUMS000033 kn_nat