
Vejninger, O. Pol i harakter: Teoreticheskoe issledovanie. 1909.

In English

Weininger, O. Paul and character: Theoretical study. Otto Weininger; 1909


Weininger, O. Paul and character: Theoretical study. / Otto Weininger; Transl. from German by V. Lichtenstadt; Ed. and with the preface by A.L. Volynsky. – 2nd Edition. – St. Petersburg: Posev, 1909. – XXVI, 428, LXVI p., [1] portrait.; 25×17.5 cm.Portrait of the author on a separate sheet of coated paper. Chromolytographed title. In half-leather binding of the era, the label of the bookbinder workshop of Pettsman on the flyleaf. SKUANT7/730