Showing 9931–9940 of 12876 results
Author:Nogin, Viktor Pavlovich Year:1923 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
At the origins of Russian statehood(VIII-XI centuries) / U istokov russkoy gosudarstvennosti(VIII - XI vv.)
$399.00Author:Parkhomenko, Vladimir Alexandrovich Year:1924 City:Saint Petersburg Language:Russian -
At the Limit / U predela
$399.00Author:Calderon, Ventura Garcia Year:1928 City:St. Petersburg Language:Russian -
At the Historic Pass / Na istoricheskom perevale
$399.00Author:Voroshilov, Kliment Efremovich Year:1930 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
At the End of the Earth / U kraya zemli
$399.00Author:Exler, Isaac Borisovich Year:1930 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
At the Dawn of the Revolution / Na zare revolyutsii
$399.00Author:Sverchkov, Dmitry Fedorovich Year:1922 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
At the dawn of the Art Theatre / Na zare Khudozhestvennogo teatra
$399.00Author:Sobolev, Yuri Vasilievich Year:1929 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
At the combat posts of the February and October recollections / Na boevykh postakh Fevral'skoy i Oktyabr'skoy rekolyutsiy
$399.00Author:Bonch-Bruevich, Vladimir Dmitrievich Year:1931 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
At the bottom / Na dne
$399.00Author:Efros, Nikolai Efimovich Year:1923 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
At home / V rodnykh mestakh
$399.00Author:Yakovlev, Alexander Stepanovich Year:1925 City:Moscow Language:Russian