Showing 791–800 of 6383 results
Author:Samoilov, Yakov Vladimirovich Year:1926 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
In relation to the origin of the fiefdom regime / K voprosu o proiskhozhdenii votchinnogo rezhima
$399.00Author:Veselovsky, Stepan Borisovich Year:1926 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
In relation to the evolution of grasslands and marshes / K voprosu ob evolyutsii lugov i bolot
$399.00Author:Getmanov, Yakov Yakovlevich Year:1925 City:St. Petersburg Language:Russian -
In relation to the distribution of gas pressures between the bottom of the projectile and the bottom of the channel / K voprosu o raspredelenii davleniy gazov mezhdu dnom snaryada i dnom kanala
$399.00Author:Lander, Franz Frantsevich Year:1919 City:St. Petersburg Language:Russian -
In relation to the determination of the expected yield / K voprosu ob opredelenii ozhidaemogo urozhaya
$399.00Author:Obukhov, Vladimir Mikhailovich Year:1923 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
In relation to industrial productivity and wages / K voprosu o proizvoditel'nosti truda i zarabotnoy plate v promyshlennosti
$399.00Author:Ginzburg, Abram Moiseevich Year:1924 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
In pursuit of provocateurs / V pogone za provokatorami
$399.00Author:Burtsev, Vladimir Lvovich Year:1928 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
In Pursuit of Nechayev / V pogone za Nechaevym
$399.00Author:Kantor, Ruvim Moiseevich Year:1922 City:St. Petersburg Language:Russian -
In Pursuit of Gold / V pogone za zolotom
$399.00Author:Blasco Ibañez, Vicente Year:1918 City:St. Petersburg Language:Russian -
In Polish Forests / V pol'skikh lesakh
$399.00Author:I'm going to waste, Joseph Year:1929 City:Moscow Language:Russian