Showing 6891–6900 of 18050 results
Author:Smirnov, Viktor Fedorovich Year:1973 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
Atlas of musical instruments of the peoples of the USSR / Atlas muzykal'nykh instrumentov narodov SSSR.
$299.00Author:Vertkov, Konstantin Alexandrovich Year:1963 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
Urine Sediment Microscopy Atlas / Atlas mikroskopii osadkov mochi.
$199.00Author:Kraevsky, Witold Yanovich Year:1976 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
Atlas of the microscopic and ultramroscopic structure of cells, tissues and organs / Atlas mikroskopicheskogo i ul'tramikroskopicheskogo stroeniya kletok, tkaney i organov.
$199.00Author:Eliseev, Vladimir Grigorievich Year:1970 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
Atlas of quasi-linear aromatic molecule luminescence spectra In Russian / Atlas kvazilineychatykh spektrov lyuminestsentsii aromaticheskikh molekul
$199.00Author:Teplickaya, Tamara Aronovna Year:1978 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
Atlas of Boiler Plants / Atlas kotel'nykh ustanovok.
$399.00Author:Kirsch, Karl Vasilievich Year:1923 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
Atlas of Mushrooms in Ukraine / Atlas gribov Ukrainy.
$199.00Author:Zerova, Maria Yakovlevna Year:1974 City:Kyiv Language:Russian -
Atlas of gynaecological operations / Atlas ginekologicheskikh operatsiy.
$199.00Author:Davydov, Semyon Naumovich Year:1973 City:Saint Petersburg Language:Russian -
Atlas of photographs of the Pacific Ocean floor / Atlas fotografiy dna Tikhogo okeana.
$199.00Author:Zenkevich, Nikita Lvovich Year:1970 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
Atlas of Caucasus Wood In Russian / Atlas drevesnykh porod Kavkaza
$199.00Author:Holyavko, Viktor Stepanovich Year:1978 City:Moscow Language:Russian