Showing 6001–6010 of 10383 results
Author:Serezhnikov, Viktor Konstantinovich Year:1929 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
Essays on the History of Modern Russian Literature. / Ocherki po istorii noveyshey russkoy literatury
$399.00Author:Kogan, Petr Semenovich Year:1928 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
Essays on the history of mathematics / Ocherki po istorii matematiki
$399.00Author:Popov, Georgy Nikolaevich Year:1925 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
Essays on the History of Materialism in the 17th and 18th Centuries / Ocherki po istorii materializma XVII i XVIII v. v
$399.00Author:Deborin, Abram Moiseevich Year:1929 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
Essays on the History of Materialism / Ocherki po istorii materializma
$399.00Author:Plekhanov, Georgy Valentinovich Year:1922 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
Essays on the History of Marxism / Ocherki po istorii marksizma
$399.00Author:Ryazanov, David Borisovich Year:1923 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
Essays on the history of feudal serfdom Russia / Ocherki istorii feodal'no-krepostnoy Rossii
$199.00Author:Tomsinsky, Semyon Grigorievich Year:1934 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
Essays on the history of dialectics in the new philosophy / Ocherki istorii dialektiki v novoy filosofii
$399.00Author:Asmus, Valentin Ferdinandovich Year:1929 City:Saint Petersburg Language:Russian -
Essays on the history of class struggle in Western Europe and Russia in the 18th-20th centuries / Ocherki po istorii klassovoy bor'by v Zapadnoy Evrope i v Rossii v XVIII-XX vekakh
$399.00Author:Drozdov, Pyotr Stepanovich Year:1929 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
Essays on the history of chemistry / Ocherki po istorii khimii
$399.00Author:Zentnershwer, Mieczyslaw Gavrilovic Year:1927 City:Saint Petersburg Language:Russian