Showing 531–540 of 10383 results
Author:Alekseev, Sergey Alexandrovich Year:1926 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
The Other Sun / Inoe solntse
$399.00Author:Bezymensky, Alexander Ilyich Year:1924 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
The oscillating motion of a charge combustion weapon when fired / Kolebatel'noe dvizhenie v orudii produktov goreniya zaryada pri vystrele
$399.00Author:Pashkevich, Vladimir Andreevich Year:1929 City:St. Petersburg Language:Russian -
The Origins of Islam / Proiskhozhdenie islama
$399.00Author:Belyaev, Evgeniy Alexandrovich Year:1931 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
The Origins of Drama / Proiskhozhdenie dramy
$399.00Author:Evreinov, Nikolai Nikolaevich Year:1921 City:Saint Petersburg Language:Russian -
The original printer Ivan Fedorov / Pervopechatnik Ivan Fedorov
$399.00Author:Galaktionov, Ivan Dmitrievich Year:1922 City:Saint Petersburg Language:Russian -
The Origin of the World / Proiskhozhdenie mira
$399.00Author:Baev, Konstantin Lvovich Year:1925 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
The Origin of Speech and Thinking / Proiskhozhdenie rechi i myshleniya
$399.00Author:Present, Isaac Izrailevich Year:1928 City:Saint Petersburg Language:Russian -
The origin of sex and the meaning of sexual reproduction / Proiskhozhdenie pola i smysl polovogo razmnozheniya
$399.00Author:Sakharov, Gavriil Petrovich Year:1924 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
The Origin of Religious Holidays / Proiskhozhdenie religioznykh prazdnikov
$399.00Author:Putintsev, Fedor Maksimovich Year:1925 City:Moscow Language:Russian