Showing 5211–5220 of 17715 results
Author:Mikulin, Viktor Petrovich Year:1972 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
Photographical Methods for Research on Rapid Processes / Fotograficheskie metody issledovaniya bystroprotekayushchikh protsessov.
$299.00Author:Salamander, Henrietta Davidovna Year:1974 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
Photoelectronic and thermoelectronic devices and their applications / Fotoelektronnye i termoelektronnye pribory i ikh primenenie.
$199.00Author:Majorov, Sergej Vladimirovich Year:1973 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
eethoven's Piano Sonata / Fortepiannye sonaty Betkhovena.
$299.00Author:Kremlev, Yuliy Anatolyevich Year:1970 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
Forms of nouns in the language of the Moscow Chronicles of the late 15th century / Formy imen sushchestvitel'nykh v yazyke Moskovskogo letopisnogo svoda kontsa XV veka.
$199.00Author:Kazakov, Boris Ivanovich Year:1976 City:Dushanbe Language:Russian -
Mold moulder / Formovshchik mashinnoy formovki.
$199.00Author:Sosnenko, Mikhail Nikolaevich Year:1975 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
Shell Formation in Architecture / Formoobrazovanie obolochek v arkhitekture.
$299.00Author:Mihajlenko, Vsevolod Evdokimovich Year:1972 City:Kyiv Language:Russian -
Formation, Exploration and Development of Gas and Oil Fields / Formirovanie, razvedka i razrabotka mestorozhdeniy gaza i nefti.
$199.00Author:Savchenko, Vasily Petrovich Year:1977 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
Shaping the Earth / Formirovanie Zemli.
$199.00Author:Ayvazyan, Suren Mikhailovich Year:1976 City:Yerevan Language:Russian -
Formation and assessment of sediment run-off water erosion / Formirovanie vodnoy erozii stoka nanosov i ikh otsenka.
$199.00Author:Schwebs, Genrikh Ivanovich Year:1974 City:Saint Petersburg Language:Russian