Showing 4741–4750 of 18050 results
Author:Sereznov, Alexey Nikolaevich Year:1976 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
Measurements and analysis of surface roughness, wavelength and roughness In Russian / Izmereniya i analiz sherokhovatosti, volnistosti i nekruglosti poverkhnosti
$199.00Author:Dunin-Barkovskij, Igor' Valerianovich Year:1978 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
Measurements of electrical parameters of earth and grounding devices / Izmereniya elektricheskikh parametrov zemli i zazemlyayushchikh ustroystv.
$199.00Author:Kostruba, Sergej Ivanovich Year:1972 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
Nuclear Radiation Measurement / Izmerenie yadernykh izlucheniy.
$199.00Author:Levin, Vasily Evseevich Year:1969 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
Measurement of torque and rotational speeds of microelectric motors / Izmerenie vrashchayushchikh momentov i skorostey vrashcheniya mikroelektrodvigateley.
$199.00Author:Potapov, Leonid Alekseevich Year:1974 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
Measuring Wood Moisture / Izmerenie vlazhnosti drevesiny.
$199.00Author:Muzalevsky, Vitaly Ivanovich Year:1976 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
Temperature measurement / Izmerenie temperatur.
$199.00Author:Sosnovsky, Alexander Georgievich Year:1970 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
Measurement of ocean currents by anchor buoys / Izmerenie techeniy v okeane yakornymi buykovymi stantsiyami.
$199.00Author:Titov, Vitaly Borisovich Year:1976 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
Measurement of variable magnetic fields / Izmerenie peremennykh magnitnykh poley.
$199.00Author:Panchishin, Yulij Modestovich Year:1973 City:Kyiv Language:Russian -
Measurement of magnetic fields and plasma on spacecraft / Izmerenie magnitnykh poley i plazmy na kosmicheskikh apparatakh.
$199.00Author:Kovalevskij, Iosif Vladimirovich Year:1973 City:Moscow Language:Russian