Showing 4721–4730 of 18050 results
Author:Kropotkin, Petr Alekseevich Year:1919 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
Towards the shores of the New World / K beregam Novogo Sveta.
$199.00Author:Shur, Leonid Avelevich Year:1971 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
To Grandma, to Grandpa / K babushke, k dedushke.
$199.00Author:Karpenko, Galina Vladimirovna Year:1973 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
The Art of Making Enemies / Izyashchnoe iskusstvo sozdavat' sebe vragov.
$199.00Author:Whistler, James McNeill Year:1970 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
Acid Soil Calcification in the Non-Black Earth Zone / Izvestkovanie kislykh pochv v Nechernozemnoy zone.
$199.00Author:Kirienko, Anatoly Andreevich Year:1977 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
News of Africas Countries and Peoples and Maritime Connections in the Pacific and Indian Oceans In Russian / Izvestiya o stranakh i narodakh Afriki i morskie svyazi v basseynakh Tikhogo i Indiyskogo okeanov
$199.00Author:Vel'gus, Viktor Andreevich Year:1978 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
Study of snow cover and glaciers in school / Izuchenie snezhnogo pokrova i lednikov v shkole.
$199.00Author:Tushinskij, Georgij Kazimirovich Year:1972 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
Study of citizens' legal awareness and legal education / Izuchenie pravosoznaniya grazhdan i voprosy pravovogo vospitaniya.
$199.00Author:Kaminskaya, Vera Isaakovna Year:1972 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
Study and Geological and Economic Evaluation of Coal Quality in Exploration / Izuchenie i geologo-ekonomicheskaya otsenka kachestva ugley pri geologorazvedochnykh rabotakh.
$199.00Author:Claire, Vladimir Robertovich Year:1975 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
Insulated rolling stock / Izotermicheskiy podvizhnoy sostav.
$199.00Author:Yakovlev, Il'ya Nikiforovich Year:1972 City:Moscow Language:Russian