Showing 3611–3620 of 18050 results
Author:Slabky, Lev Ilyich Year:1973 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
Methods of hydrogas dynamic calculations for the development of multi-layer oil and gas fields / Metody gidrogazodinamicheskikh raschetov razrabotki mnogoplastovykh mestorozhdeniy nefti i gaza.
$199.00Author:Abasov, Mitat Teymur oglu Year:1976 City:Baku Language:Russian -
Methods of Electronic Flow Energy Analysis / Metody energeticheskogo analiza elektronnykh potokov.
$199.00Author:Kozlov, Igor Gordeevich Year:1971 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
Methods of electrical calculation of ore-thermal furnaces / Metody elektrotekhnicheskikh raschetov rudnotermicheskikh pechey.
$199.00Author:Dancis, Yakov Borisovich Year:1973 City:Saint Petersburg Language:Russian -
Methods of anatomical-histochemical investigation of plant tissues In Russian / Metody anatomo-gistokhimicheskogo issledovaniya rastitelnykh tkaney
$199.00Author:Furst, Germa Georgievna Year:1979 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
Methods of testing milk and dairy products / Metody analiza moloka i molochnykh produktov.
$199.00Author:Inikhov, Georgy Sergeevich Year:1971 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
History Methodology Past and Present / Metodologiya istorii v proshlom i nastoyashchem.
$199.00Author:Dyakov, Vladimir Anatolievich Year:1974 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
Methodology and Methodology of Clinical Teaching of Psychiatry and Medical Psychology / Metodologiya i metodika klinicheskogo prepodavaniya psikhiatrii i meditsinskoy psikhologii.
$199.00Author:Guskov, Viktor Stepanovich Year:1977 City:Saint Petersburg Language:Russian -
Methodology and Methodology for the Study of Social Groups in Historical Science / Metodologiya i metodika izucheniya sotsialnykh grupp v istoricheskoy nauke.
$199.00Author:Madievskij, Samson Abramovich Year:1973 City:Kishinev Language:Russian -
Methodology and logic of historical research / Metodologiya i logika istoricheskogo issledovaniya.
$199.00Author:Kosolapov, Viktor Vasilievich Year:1977 City:Kyiv Language:Russian