Showing 3581–3590 of 18050 results
Author:Viktorov, Mikhail Markovich Year:1977 City:Saint Petersburg Language:Russian -
Methods for probabilistic analysis of ocean processes In Russian / Metody veroyatnostnogo analiza okeanologicheskikh protsessov
$199.00Author:Rozhkov, Valentin Alekseevich Year:1979 City:St. Petersburg Language:Russian -
Methods of complex variable function theory / Metody teorii funktsiy kompleksnogo peremennogo.
$199.00Author:Lavrent'ev, Mihail Alekseevich Year:1973 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
Methods of technical survey of buildings under repair / Metody tekhnicheskogo obsledovaniya remontiruemykh zdaniy.
$199.00Author:Komisarchik, Remald Grigorievich Year:1975 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
Methods of statistical thermodynamics in physical chemistry / Metody statisticheskoy termodinamiki v fizicheskoy khimii.
$199.00Author:Smirnova, Nataliya Aleksandrovna Year:1973 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
Methods of Statistical Physics / Metody statisticheskoy fiziki.
$199.00Author:Akhiezer, Alexander Ilyich Year:1977 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
Strong channel connection methods in quantum scattering theory / Metody sil'noy svyazi kanalov v kvantovoy teorii rasseyaniya.
$199.00Author:Zhigunov, Valery Pavlovich Year:1974 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
Methods of solving grid equations In Russian / Metody resheniya setochnykh uravneniy
$199.00Author:Samarskij, Aleksandr Andreevich Year:1978 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
Methods of solving non-linear thermal conductivity problems / Metody resheniya nelineynykh zadach teploprovodnosti.
$199.00Author:Kozdoba, Leonid Alekseevich Year:1975 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
Methods of solving non-linear inverse problems and their application / Metody resheniya nelineynykh obratnykh zadach i ikh prilozhenie.
$199.00Author:Imanaliev, Murzabek Imanalievich Year:1977 City:Frunze Language:Russian