Showing 2761–2770 of 17715 results
Author:Motroshilova, Nelly Vasilievna Year:1976 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
Scientific atheism / Nauchnyy ateizm.
$199.00Author:Frantsov, Georgy Pavlovich Year:1972 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
Scientific Basics of Production Management / Nauchnye osnovy upravleniya proizvodstvom.
$199.00Author:Kozlova, Olympiada Vasilievna Year:1970 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
Scientific Bases for Improving the Technology for the Development of Living Deposits / Nauchnye osnovy sovershenstvovaniya tekhnologii razrabotki zhil'nykh mestorozhdeniy.
$199.00Author:Mamsurov, Leonid Antonovich Year:1974 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
Scientific Basics of a Fertilizer System in the Non-Black Land / Nauchnye osnovy sistemy udobreniya v Nechernozemnoy polose.
$199.00Author:Sapozhnikov, Nikolai Arkadevich Year:1977 City:Saint Petersburg Language:Russian -
The Science of a School Mathematics Course. Natural Numbers / Nauchnye osnovy shkol'nogo kursa matematiki. Natural'nye chisla.
$199.00Author:Bloch, Abram Shlemovich Year:1976 City:Minsk Language:Russian -
Scientific Basics of Fishing Hydrocarbon Processing / Nauchnye osnovy promyslovoy obrabotki uglevodorodnogo syr'ya.
$199.00Author:Gritsenko, Alexander Ivanovich Year:1977 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
The Science of Epidemiology In Russian / Nauchnye osnovy epidemiologii
$199.00Author:Shlyahov, El' Naumovich Year:1978 City:Kishinev Language:Russian -
Scientific Research and Institutions in France In Russian / Nauchnye issledovaniya i nauchnye uchrezhdeniya vo Frantsii
$299.00Author:Chikalov, Aleksej Mihajlovich Year:1979 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
Scientific and technological progress and youth / Nauchno-tekhnicheskiy progress i molodezh.
$199.00Author:Poshataev, Vladimir Vasil'evich Year:1973 City:Moscow Language:Russian