Showing 2741–2750 of 17386 results
Author:Tikhomirov, Evgeniy Nikolaevich Year:1976 City:Saint Petersburg Language:Russian -
Installation, operation and repair of ship automation / Montazh, ekspluatatsiya i remont sudovoy avtomatiki.
$199.00Author:Khorkov, Alexander Mikhailovich Year:1977 City:Saint Petersburg Language:Russian -
Installation of Railway Automation and Telemechanics In Russian / Montazh ustroystv zheleznodorozhnoy avtomatiki i telemekhaniki
$199.00Author:Ass, Ernest Efimovich Year:1979 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
Installation of on-board power plants / Montazh sudovykh energeticheskikh ustanovok.
$199.00Author:Kravchenko, Vladimir Stepanovich Year:1975 City:Saint Petersburg Language:Russian -
Installation of Construction Structures / Montazh stroitelnykh konstruktsiy.
$199.00Author:Shvidenko, Valentin Iosifovich Year:1973 City:Kyiv Language:Russian -
Installation of structures by growing method / Montazh sooruzheniy metodom podrashchivaniya.
$199.00Author:Sytnik, Nikolai Petrovich Year:1975 City:Kyiv Language:Russian -
Installation of power grids and electrical equipment / Montazh silovykh setey i elektrooborudovaniya.
$199.00Author:Trunkovsky, Lazar Emelyanovich Year:1974 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
Installation of sanitary devices made of polymeric materials / Montazh sanitarno-tekhnicheskikh ustroystv iz polimernykh materialov.
$199.00Author:Dubrovkin, Semen Davydovich Year:1973 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
Installation of control and automatic regulation and control devices / Montazh priborov kontrolya i apparatury avtomaticheskogo regulirovaniya i upravleniya.
$199.00Author:Kaminsky, Mikhail Lvovich Year:1974 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
Installation of Steam Generators of Electric Power Plants / Montazh parogeneratorov elektricheskikh stantsiy.
$199.00Author:Kapusto, Ivan Antonovich Year:1975 City:Moscow Language:Russian