Showing 23711–23720 of 25235 results
Author:Frederick-William Farrar Year:1887 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
The Life and Historical Meaning of Prince Andrei Mikhailovich Kurbsky / Zhizn' i istoricheskoe znachenie knyazya Andreya Mikhaylovicha Kurbskogo
$2,099.00Author:Sergei Dmitrievich Gorsky Year:1858 City:Kazan Language:Russian -
The Koran and Progress / Koran i progress
$2,099.00Author:Nikolai Ostroumov Year:1901 City:Tashkent Language:Russian -
The Knights of Malta in Russia / Mal'tiyskie rytsari v Rossii
$2,199.00Author:Yevgeny Karnovych Year:1880 City:Saint Petersburg Language:Russian -
The Kingdom of Elizabeth Petrovna / Tsarstvovanie Elisavety Petrovny
$4,599.00Author:Aleksandr Weidemeyer Year:1834 City:Saint Petersburg Language:Russian -
The Journey of the Ural Cossacks to the Belovodskoye Kingdom / Puteshestvie ural'skikh kazakov v "Belovodskoe tsarstvo"
$2,399.00Author:Grigory Khokhlov Year:1903 City:Saint Petersburg Language:Russian -
The hunter at home, in the field, in the forest, and on the water / Okhotnik doma, v pole, v lesu i na vode
$2,399.00Author:Franz Dombrovsky Year:1891 City:Saint Petersburg Language:Russian -
The hostilities on Oxus and the fall of Khiva / Voennye deystviya na Oksuse i padenie Khivy
$2,999.00Author:Januarius Aloysius McGahan Year:1875 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
The Holy Equals of the Apostles Cyril and Methodius, the enlighteners of the Slavs and the impact of their deeds on the public education of the entire Slavic world in general, and of Russia in particular / S...
$2,299.00Author:Aleksandr Knyazev Year:1866 City:Saint Petersburg Language:Russian -
The Holmes Family / Semeystvo Kholmskikh
$3,799.00Author:Dmitry Begichev Year:1841 City:Moscow Language:Russian