Showing 20181–20190 of 21742 results
Author:ed. M. Alikhanov-Avarsky Year:2007 City:Makhachkala Language:Russian -
Eckartshausen, K.v. Excerpts from the works of K. v. Eckartshausen. 1803. / Jekkartsgauzen, K. Otryvki iz sochinenij K. Jekkartsgauzena. 1803.
$2,600.00Author:Eckartshausen Year:1803 City:Petersburg. -
Earth silicates. Aluminosilicates and their analogues. / Zemnye silikaty. alyumosilikaty i ih analogi
$199.00Author:V.Vernadskij Year:1937 City:Moscow, Leningrad Language:Russian -
Life of Jesus / E. Renan, per. Varshavskogo, Zhizn' Iisusa, 1906
$399.00Author:E. Renan Year:1906 City:St. Petersburg Language:Russian -
Practical Symphony for preachers of God’s Word / Prakticheskaya simfoniya dlya propovednikov Slova Bozhiya.
$299.00Author:D'yachenko G. Year:1903 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
Ancient Bogolyubov city and monastery with its surroundings / Drevnij Bogolyubov gorod i monastyr' s ego okrestnostyami
$499.00Author:Dobrohotov V. Year:1852 City:Moscow -
Pugachevsky Riot in Ural and Siberia / Pugachevskij bunt v Zaural'e i Sibiri
$299.00Author:A.Dmitriev-Mamonov Year:1907 City:St. Petersburg, printing house of Montvid Language:Russian -
Dmitriev, I.I. Poems of Ivan Ivanovich Dmitriev / Dmitriev, I.I. Stihotvoreniya Ivana Ivanovicha Dmitrieva. 1823.
$1,300.00Author:Dmitriev Year:1823 City:Petersburg. -
Dmitriev V., Valentin Serov, Petrograd, [1917] / Dmitriev V., Valentin Serov, [1917]
$399.00Author:Dmitriev V. Year:1916 City:Petrograd Language:Russian -
Gogol's heroes in fine art / Dintses L.A., Geroi Gogolya v izo-iskusstve, 1935
$299.00Author:Dintses L.A. Year:1935 City:Leningrad Language:Russian