Showing 18841–18850 of 20359 results
Author:Bockle G.T. Year:1906 City:St. Petersburg Language:Russian -
History of Peter the Great / Istoriya Petra Velikogo
$1,799.00Author:Brikner A.G. Year:1882 City:St. Petersburg Language:Russian -
Beranger, P.-J. Songs of Berenger. Illustr. 15 ill. On steel according to Boye; 1864. / Beranzhe, P.-Zh. Pesni Beranzhe, 1864.
$500.00Author:Beranger Year:1864 City:Petersburg. -
Borozdin, V.G. Album of various Russian and foreign horse breeds. / Al'bom raznyh russkih i inostrannyh porod loshadej
$399.00Author:Borozdin Year:1900 City:St. Petersburg -
Balzac. Boris Reizov / Boris Reizov. Balzak.
$99.00Author:Boris Reizov City:Leningrad Language:Russian -
Physiology in experiments. Edited by Pavlov 1898-1899 / Fiziologiya v opytah
$699.00Author:Pavlov I.P. Year:1898 City:St. Petersburg -
Boccaccio, Giovanni. Decameron. Volume 1. / Bokkachcho, Dzhovanni. Dekameron. Tom 1.
$199.00Author:Giovanni Boccaccio Year:1931 City:Leningrad Language:Russian -
Biographies of Russian writers of the Middle and New periods / Biografii russkih pisateley Srednego i Novogo periodov
$199.00Author:Dobryv A.P. Year:1900 City:St. Petersburg Language:Russian -
Biblical Encycopedia / Bibleyskaya entsikopediya. 1 tom Agentstvo pechati NB-PRESS, 1991
$199.00Year:1991 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
Poems selected from the Holy Scriptures ... / Stikhi, izbrannyye iz svyashchennogo pisaniya…
$6,300.00Author:Bestuzhev-Ryumin Year:1763 City:Moscow Language:Russian