Showing 15491–15500 of 18050 results
Author:Cellarius, Viktor Mikhailovich Year:1928 City:Kharkov Language:Russian -
Acoustics and Optics / Akustika i optika
$399.00Author:Eikhenwald, Alexander Alexandrovich Year:1921 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
Acid forms and absorption capacity of soils due to liming and phosphorite / Formy kislotnosti i emkost' pogloshcheniya pochv v svyazi s ikh izvestkovaniem i fosforitovaniem
$399.00Author:Askinazi, David Lvovich Year:1926 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
Accounting of Construction Institutions / Schetovodstvo stroitel'nykh organizatsiy
$199.00Author:Zlobin, Pavel Iosifovich Year:1933 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
Accounting for falling currencies / Vedenie bukhgalterskogo ucheta pri padayushchey valyute
$399.00Author:Glebov, Sergey Fedorovich Year:1923 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
Accounting for Bakeries in Consumer Societies / Schetovodstvo khlebopekaren pri Potrebitel'nykh obshchestvakh
$399.00Author:Kobylyansky, Joseph Konstantinovich Year:1918 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
Accounting for academic achievement and attendance / Uchet uspevaemosti i poseshchaemosti
$399.00Author:Ivanov, Boris Fedorovich Year:1929 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
Accident First Aid / Pervaya pomoshch' pri neschastnykh sluchayakh
$399.00Author:Esmarch, Friedrich Year:1929 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
Accident / Neschastnyy sluchay
$399.00Author:Frappier, Leon Year:1925 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
AC Winds / Obmotki peremennogo toka
$199.00Author:Berger, Alexander Yakovlevich Year:1933 City:Moscow Language:Russian