Showing 13531–13540 of 17715 results
Author:Enchman, Emmanuel Year:1920 City:Pyatigorsk Language:Russian -
Eight years of Russian fiction (1917-1925). 1926 / Vosem' let russkoy khudozhestvennoy literatury (1917-1925). 1926
$399.00Author:Vitman, Agniya Mikhailovna Year:1926 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
Eight years of Russian fiction (1917-1925). 1926 / Vosem' let russkoy khudozhestvennoy literatury (1917-1925). 1926
$399.00Author:Vitman, Agniya Mikhailovna Year:1926 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
Eight Escapes / Vosem' pobegov
$399.00Author:Zalezhsky, Vladimir Nikolaevich Year:1923 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
Egorka / Egorka
$399.00Author:Beketova, Maria Andreevna Year:1929 City:St. Petersburg Language:Russian -
Effects of the Sun on Child Health / Vliyanie solntsa na zdorov'e rebenka
$399.00Author:Faivush, David Aronovich Year:1928 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
Effects of starvation on children's bodies / Vliyanie golodaniya na detskiy organizm
$399.00Author:Shtefko, Vladimir Germanovich Year:1924 City:Orel Language:Russian -
Effects of osmotic pressure on tobacco growth, transpiration, and ash accumulation / Vliyanie osmoticheskogo davleniya na rost, transpiratsiyu i nakoplenie zoly v tabake
$399.00Author:Kalitaeva, Evgenia Mikhailovna Year:1929 City:Krasnodar Language:Russian -
Effect of the different fat content of cream on the water content of the oil and on the quality and strength of the oil / Vliyanie razlichnoy zhirnosti slivok na soderzhanie vody v masle i na kachestvo i pro...
$199.00Author:Makarin, Alexander Mikhailovich Year:1933 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
Educational Mathematics / Zanimatel'naya matematika
$399.00Author:Perelman, Yakov Isidorovich Year:1927 City:St. Petersburg Language:Russian