Showing 10521–10530 of 18050 results
Author:Green, Alexander Stepanovich Year:1925 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
On the China-East Road / Po Kitaysko-Vostochnoy doroge
$499.00Author:Okunev, Yakov Markovich Year:1929 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
On the Characteristics of Progressive Powders / O kharakteristikakh progressivnykh form porokhov
$399.00Author:Grave, Ivan Platonovich Year:1919 City:Saint Petersburg Language:Russian -
On the character of our revolution and the possibility of victorious socialist construction in the USSR / O kharaktere nashey revolyutsii i o vozmozhnosti pobedonosnogo sotsialisticheskogo stroitel'stva v SSSR
$399.00Author:Bukharin, Nikolai Ivanovich Year:1926 City:Saint Petersburg Language:Russian -
On the care and death of L. N. Tolstoy / Ob ukhode i smerti L. N. Tolstogo
$399.00Author:Tolstaya, Alexandra Lvovna Year:1928 City:Tula Language:Russian -
On the Bridge of Hell / Na mostovoy ada
$399.00Author:Brockie, Virgilio Year:1927 City:St. Petersburg Language:Russian -
On the bridge / Na mostu
$399.00Author:Zvyagintseva, Vera Klavdievna Year:1922 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
On the bread front / Na khlebnom fronte
$399.00Author:Stalin, Joseph Vissarionovich Year:1928 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
On the box of canned goods and the origin of life on earth / O korobke konservov i proiskhozhdenii zhizni na zemle
$399.00Author:Zavadovsky, Boris Mikhailovich Year:1926 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
On the Blood / Na krovi
$399.00Author:Mstislavsky, Sergey Dmitrievich Year:1928 City:Moscow Language:Russian