Showing 10481–10490 of 18050 results
Author:Elachich, Evgeniy Alexandrovich Year:1922 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
On the Opposition / Ob oppozitsii
$399.00Author:Stalin, Joseph Vissarionovich Year:1928 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
On the next tasks of working in the village / Ob ocherednykh zadachakh raboty v derevne
$399.00Author:Molotov, Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Year:1924 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
On the Nature of Power / O prirode vlasti
$399.00Author:Khatuntsev, Boris Nikolaevich Year:1925 City:Saratov Language:Russian -
On the Nature of Electricity / O prirode elektrichestva
$399.00Author:Shuleykin, Vasily Vladimirovich Year:1923 City:Moscow Language:Russian -
On the national question / O natsional'nom voprose
$399.00Author:Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich Year:1925 City:St. Petersburg Language:Russian -
On the mountains and plane of North Ossetia / Po goram i ploskosti Severnoy Osetii
$399.00Author:Gazdanova, Serafima Borisovna Year:1927 City:Vladikavkaz Language:Russian -
On the Modern State of Russian Symbolism / O sovremennom sostoyanii russkogo simvolizma
$399.00Author:Blok, Alexander Alexandrovich Year:1921 City:Saint Petersburg Language:Russian -
On the Meaning of Knowledge / O smysle poznaniya
$399.00Author:Bely, Andrey Year:1922 City:Saint Petersburg Language:Russian -
On the meaning of camora in some ancient-Russian monuments of the 16th-17th centuries / O znachenii kamory v nekotorykh drevne-russkikh pamyatnikakh XVI-XVII vekov
$399.00Author:Vasiliev, Leonid Lazarevich Year:1929 City:Saint Petersburg Language:Russian