
Slovar' russkih gravirovannyh portretov

In English

Dictionary of Russian Engraved Portraits

Author:Rovinskij D.A.
City:St. Petersburg

In Russian. Short description: Rovinsky, D.A. Dictionary of Russian Engraved Portraits / Comp. by D. Rovinsky. – St. Petersburg: Imp. Academy of Sciences Printing House, 1872. – [4], LVI, 236 p.; 24×16.5 cm. Dmitry Alexandrovich Rovinsky (1824-1895) was a lawyer, archaeographer, art historian, and the largest collector of engravings and prints. He was an honorary member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (since 1883) and the Academy of Arts (since 1870). The publication contains information about 10,000 engraved portraits that were produced in Russia from the 17th to the 19th centuries. The information about the engraved portraits is organized by the personalities of historical figures, accompanied by biographical information, particularly detailed for tsars, members of the ruling dynasty, and prominent historical figures, as well as information about their appearance. The dictionary is unique in its completeness, including information about portraits of 2,000 Russian individuals who have made an impact in various fields of activity, as well as Europeans who served in Russia. The edition includes alphabetical indexes of portraits and artists. In a composite (leather, cardboard) binding from the 20th century with gold stamping on the spine. The spine has five raised bands. In good condition. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUMS000209