
Severnye cvety na 1826 god. 1881.

In English

Northern flowers for 1826.1881.


Northern flowers for 1826. New edition. Moscow: Russian archive; M. Katkov University Printing House, 1881. – [4], III-VIII, 282, 132 pp.; 15.3×11 cm. The almanac for 1826 includes poems by A. Delvig, K. Batyushkov, E. Baratynsky, N. Yazykov, P. Vyazemsky, P. Pletnev, an excerpt from the translation of the Iliad by N. Gnedich and others. Several works published here by A.S. Pushkin: excerpts from the second song of “Eugene Onegin”, two poems to “Baratynsky” (“This desert country.”, “I am waiting for the promised notebook.”), a poem from the cycle “Imitations of the Koran”, an excerpt from the poem “Gypsies ”, an excerpt from “Pushkin’s Letter to D.” (A. Delvig) with the poem “Why cold doubts?” (Chadaev).