
Moskva-parizh.1900-1930. Katalog vystavki. 1981.

In English

Moscow-Paris.1900-1930. Catalogue of the exhibition.


Moscow-Paris. 1900-1930. Exhibition Catalog. Ministry of Culture of the USSR, 1981. Publisher: “Soviet Artist.” The catalog for the exhibition “Moscow-Paris 1900-1930” featured many works of the Russian avant-garde that had previously been stored in museum reserves. The exhibition was jointly organized by the A.S. Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts in Moscow and the National Center for Art and Culture named after Georges Pompidou in Paris. This exhibition followed a similar one in Paris in 1979 called “Paris-Moscow,” and both exhibitions had a significant cultural impact. The Moscow exhibition contributed to the rehabilitation of abstractionism in the USSR. The exhibition showcased not only visual arts but also architecture, theater, book graphics, applied arts, and artistic photography. The first volume of the catalog contains articles on the art of Russia and France and their connections, richly illustrated with photographs of artists and their works. The second volume is entirely dedicated to an album of illustrations, featuring the exhibits from the exhibition.