
Gogol, N.V. Illjustrirovannoe polnoe sobranie sochinenij. [1912] -1913.

In English

Gogol, N.V. Illustrated complete works. [1912] -1913.

Author:Gogol N.V.

Gogol, N.V. Illustrated complete works: In 8 Vols. Ed. by A.E. Gruzinsky; with an intro by art and poetry prof. D.N. Ovsyaniko-Kulikovsky. – Moscow, Pechatnik, [1912] -1913.Vol.1. – [1912]. – XLII, LXXX, 210, [2] p., [9] ill., Port.: ill.; Vol.2. – 1912. – [2], 254 pp., [28] ill., Port.: ill.; Vol.3. – [1912]. – [4], 246 pp., [21] ill., Port.: ill.; Vol.4. – 1912. – [4], 428 p., [22] ill., Port.: ill.; Vol.5. – [1912]. – 259, [3] p., [23] ill., color. yl., Port.: ill.; Vol.6. – 1913. – 257, II p., [12] ill., color. yl., Port.: ill.; Vol.7. – [1913]. – 348 p., [9] l. ill.: ill., portraits.; Vol.8. – [1913]. – 301, [2] p., [6] ill., Port.: port.; 27.5×20 cm. A lot of plot and theatrical illustrations, portraits on separate sheets (including heliogravures) and in the text. SKUANTT7/1675 This edition has every reason to be called a complete collection of N.V. Gogol’s works: it includes not only all of his finished literary works, but also unfinished pieces, fragments, sketches, translations, and various magazine articles. The artistic works that have survived in multiple versions are presented in their original and final forms. The edition opens with a biographical article by A.E. Gruzinsky, which provides the main facts of N.V. Gogol’s life, a characterization of his personality and development, his personal and literary connections, and the conditions under which his works were conceived and created. Following that, a detailed analysis of Gogol’s works from artistic, societal, and psychological perspectives is presented in an extensive article by Professor D.N. Ovsyaniko-Kulikovsky. The goal was to reproduce, as much as possible, all the remarkable illustrations on Gogol’s themes. Considerable effort was made to achieve a more or less even illustration of all of Gogol’s works, as Russian artists paid varying degrees of attention to individual works: some were completely or almost completely overlooked. The edition includes 300 drawings by outstanding Russian artists, as well as around 60 separate appendices executed in heliogravure at the artistic establishment Allen and Co. The books are adorned with illustrations by A. Venetsianov, O. Kiprensky, I. Kramskoy, I. Repin, K. Brullov, A. Ivanov, V. Makovsky, K. Makovsky, A. Agin, V. Zamyataylo, P. Boklevsky, P. Sokolov, and many others. Additionally, all the most important portraits of Gogol, his relatives, friends, and other contemporaries who were connected to his life and works, as well as photographs of monuments, views of landscapes, etc., are collected. A series of vignettes, ornamental letters, endings, and decorative initials are also included, along with photographs of the Zaporozhian Cossacks’ monuments, their weapons, utensils, etc.