
A. Leonov. Vasiliy Maksimovich Maksimov Zhizn' i tvorchestvo. Gosudarstvennoe izdatel'stvo Iskusstvo, 1951

In English

Vasily Maksimovich Maksimov Life and Creativity.

Author:A. Leonov

A. Leonov. Vasily Maksimovich Maksimov: Life and Creativity. Publisher: State Publishing House “Iskusstvo,” Moscow, 1951. Vasily Maksimovich Maksimov (January 17 (29), 1844, Lopino Village, near Novaya Ladoga – December 18 (1), 1911, Petersburg) was a Russian artist, a member of the Peredvizhniki (Wanderers), and a genre painter. In 1863, he entered the Imperial Academy of Arts. While attending its classes, he was awarded two small silver medals in 1864 and 1865 for his achievements in drawing and painting from nature. He also created the painting “Sick Child,” which earned him a gold medal in 1865, awarded to those who excelled in expression. Upon leaving the academy in 1866, he was given the title of a non-class artist, and in 1870, he was promoted to an academician. From 1872, he became a member of mobile art exhibitions, showcasing his paintings depicting scenes of rural life. His best works, “The Arrival of the Sorcerer at a Peasant Wedding” (1875) and “Family Division in Peasant Life” (1876), are housed in the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow. This biographical sketch is accompanied by photographic material, including color and tonal reproductions of the artist’s works on separate pages.