
Journey to the East of the Cesarevich, Heir to the Crown.

In English

Voyage en Orient de son altesse imperiale le cesarevitch. 1893

Author:Prince E.-E. Oukhtomsky

Prince E.E. Ukhtomsky. Voyage en Orient de son altesse imperiale le cesarevitch. [Voyage to the Orient of His Imperial Highness Caesarevich.] Greece, Egypt, India, 1890 – 1891. Indo-China, China-Japan, Siberia, 1890 – 1891. Paris, Charles Delagrave, 1893-1898. Two large volumes, full green percaline, ornate sides and back, gilt top. Publisher’s binding. Translation in French by Louis Leger. Illustrated with 178+122 compositions by N.N. Karazine.